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Graflex RB Series D Part II: Film, Tanks and Photos

Previously, I wrote about my 3¼" x 4¼" Graflex RB Series D camera. In part one, I gave a history of Folmer & Schwing and the Graflex camera, as well as gave an overview of this particular camera and its controls. If you want to see that, I suggest you check it out here . Here in part two, I will be discussing how I cut  3¼" x 4¼" sheet film for this camera, how I develop it and show off some example photos.  Making  3¼" x 4¼" Sheet Film At this point in time 3¼" x 4¼", or the quarter plate size, is the dog of the sheet film world. 4" x 5" and even 8" x 10" film sheets remain available in various emulsions, but for 3¼" x 4¼" you have limited options.  If you want a ready made supply of film this size you have two options, Shanghai manufactures their GP3 emulsion in  3¼" x 4¼" , and Astrum (Svema) in Ukraine will also custom cut their Foto 100 film to this size. However, both of these are medium speed bla